Lamina for trombone and orchestra

ID: SM-000240665
CompositorRolf Gehlhaar
EditoraRolf Gehlhaar
Ano de composição 1977
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Flauta, Clarinete, Oboé, Trompa francesa, Trombone, Trombeta, Tuba, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Triângulo, Vibrafone, Tantã, Percussão
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
duração 22'0"
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
dificuldade Advanced
descripção The fundamental formal concept of LAMINA is derived from the possible relationships between the two sets of opposites: mass and point, layers and line. The soloist functions as the central point-line of these relationships in a harmonic/melodic process that sounds out the range of possibilities from vertical/horizontal, fixed/static to free/dynamic.
There are sections in the work where the soloist conducts a large part of the orchestra, gradually handing them back to the conductor, as well as sections where he provides the sound material which the orchestra imitates, absorbs or transforms, either as individuals or as a group, in a process of structured improvisation

The premiere and recording of LAMINA - for the Saarlaendischer Rundfunk, Saarbruecken - was made by A.Rosin, trombone, with the Orchestra of the SR, conducted by Hans Zender in 1977.
data de postagem 27.02.2016
total de downloads 6

Sheet music file
ZIP, 141.05 Mb


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